Hi guys, I am going to blog on an interesting topic which is concerned about CRISS ANGEL Believe. The next performance of Criss Angel is titled as "Believe" which is a live Las Vegas production. The Believe will take place at the Luxor hotel and casino. The Criss angel show will always be unique and different when compared to the other magic shows and is normally based on a very complicated plot and not based on the usual sword swallowing and cutting a person into two and so on. Criss Angel will be starring as a Victorian noble and also includes four other ushers two women who put a new spin on femininity, and a cast of other characters that will make the Baroque theatrical performance a truly enchanting experience. The Luxor show features many dare devil illusion tricks such as disappearing which were never performed before. The inspiration to Criss Angel is Harry Houdini and he did not use any video to perform great tricks. He told on his deathbed that "believe" is the codeword one must use to communicate with him after his life is over. Cirque du Soleil will join Criss Angel and he is famous for his reinvented circus. There is also a text messaging contest where you can win two tickets for this show. Just visit this site now. 

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